Frequently Asked Questions

How do students register for Intergroup Dialogue courses – SOC 230 WGS 230 CFE 230 & CRS 230?

The first step is to fill out an online interest form; it takes less than 10 minutes to complete. The online form is available each semester through the end of the course registration period.

You can anticipate hearing back from the IGD Program, within 2 days. At that point, after your interest/form has been reviewed, you will receive an email with steps for registering for Spring 2024. This will include receiving the necessary permission to register directly via MySlice. We ask that you register promptly, within 2 days, so that we can follow up with any additional students on course waitlist.

How is the course graded?

Intergroup Dialogue is a 3‐credit, letter‐graded course. The final course grade is based on attendance and participation/engagement with dialogue principles and practices, reflective writing (journal) assignments and weekly readings, an engaged scholarship project/presentation, and a final paper.

What kind of specific skills will I learn through being in an Intergroup Dialogue course?

Intergroup Dialogue is a research-based practice developed in higher education. Studies have demonstrated that dialogue students complete the course with enhanced communication skills including perspective taking and critical listening; a more complex awareness of inequality in society; a stronger understanding of self, social identities and intersectionality; and preparation for public engagement and other forms of action.

Why is the dialogue topic I’m interested in not listed as a choice on the placement form for the Spring 2024 semester?

The main topics or focus of our dialogue sections shifts each semester; thus, certain dialogue topics are not offered every term. The topics/sections listed on the placement form capture what will be offered the semester for which you are registering.

If I have more questions about Intergroup Dialogue courses or the registration process—who should I contact?

Feel free to contact IGD teaching assistant Easton Davis,