Transformative Dialogue Among SUCOL Student Leaders begins October 2

Announcement of the Transformative Dialogue among Syracuse University College of Law Student Leaders includes themes to be covered; facilitator names Suzette Melendez and Easton Davis, and specific dates and times, online, for meetings. Information also covered in text below the image.
Transformative Dialogue among Syracuse University College of Law Student Leaders begins this Friday, October 2. This 5-week co-curricular dialogue developed in partnership with the Intergroup Dialogue Program brings together a committed group of second and third year students, every Friday in October, to share and explore: lived experiences of socialization, intersectionality, power and privilege, systemic racism, critical issues in our current educational and national landscape and climate, and collective action.

The intergroup dialogue (IGD) is co-facilitated by Professor Suzette Melendez, faculty director of inclusion initiatives at the College of Law, and Intergroup Dialogue Program facilitator and teaching assistant Easton Davis, a doctoral student in the department of Cultural Foundations of Education at the School of Education.

We are excited to partner together on this important initiative, with these dynamic students, at this urgent time for recognizing and naming systemic inequities while building strong and constructive community for change.

Questions? Feel free to reach out to us: Easton Davis and Gretchen Lopez.