Dialogue with the Land, Dialogue with Each Other – starts September 1st!

Flyer with black lettering depicting the dialogue details as noted above and black banners in the middle and bottom of the flyer with white lettering. Also pictured is the IGD logo, a blue swirl, and the Native Student Program logo, picturing the Tree of Peace with an eagle on top and the SU “S” in an orange block text in the middle. The tree is centered in the medicine wheel colors (white, yellow, red,black) circling the image.

Starting September 1, a new co-curricular – Dialogue with the Land, Dialogue with Each Other – will be offered to students and the broader community. This dialogue is open to BIPOC folks and explores the impact of colonialism, race, gender, and the great outdoors together! 

The goal of dialogue is to think of how our relationships with land can help us think through our relationships with each other while also providing healing and reprieve from being in community under colonialism. We will ask questions about how land and constructions of land help us think about how we think of how other bodies are constructed, especially Indigenous and Black bodies with dis/abilities; who are also queer, non-binary, and trans; who are also cash poor/working-class and/or incarcerated; who are undocumented; and those who identify as women among others. Participants will be given activities to engage with on the land in between dialogue sessions. 

Please reach out to Ionah Scully (Cree-Métis, Michel First Nation), PhD Student via email to register: mescully@syr.edu

Kinanâskomitin (thank you)!

When: Tuesdays (biweekly/every other week) 1-3 pm Sept. 1 – Nov. 17
Where: Zoom + additional activity to take place outdoors, but will occur solo in between dialogue sessions (accommodations for outdoor activities offered.)